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Exploitation tools and pathways
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Solihull All Age Exploitation Reduction Multi-Agency Safeguarding Procedures
Appendix 1 - West Midlands Police Intel Form
Appendix 2 - Barnardo’s Child Trafficking Advocacy Service Referral Form
Appendix 3 - Solihull Action through Advocacy Referral Form
Appendix 4 - Child Exploitation Pathway
Appendix 5 - Adult Exploitation Pathway
Appendix 6 - All Age Exploitation Screening Tool
Appendix 7 - All Age Exploitation Screening Tool Guidance
Appendix 8 - Individual Exploitation Assessment Tool
Appendix 9 - Contextual Safeguarding Framework
Appendix 10 - Vulnerability Tracker Template Under 18
Appendix 11 - Vulnerability Tracker Template Over 18
Appendix 12 - MAACE Agenda
Appendix 13 - Disruption and Support Plan Template
Appendix 14 - ShEP Referral Form
Appendix 15 - Transitions Pathway
NRM digital referral form – online referral form for First Responders to report victims of Modern Slavery and Trafficking
Multi-agency policy & procedures for the protection of people who are suspected of being potential victims of modern slavery and human trafficking in the West Midlands (2018) – provides advice and guidance on how to support vulnerable children, young people and adults who are victims of Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
Language matters - a guide produced by Solihull Safeguarding Children Partnership and Safeguarding Adults Board to support the appropriate use of language when discussing or recording information in relation to individuals who are being exploited or are at risk of exploitation.
SSCP Exploitation webpage – information for practitioners and volunteers about those aspects of exploitation which sit under the Solihull Exploitation Strategy